Julio's Corner

Back into Wrestling

June 10, 2024 Julio From NY Episode 2

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I explain my decision to stick with an audio format for the podcast and my rekindled interest in Wrestling or as some would call it, wrasslin.

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This is Julio's Corner, my corner of the internet, where I talk about whatever is on my mind. Usually I'll talk about TV shows, movies or whatever new content has taken my interest. This episode is being recorded on Sunday, june 9th 2024. And today's episode is going to be quite packed. We're going to talk about my rekindled interest in wrestling. Uh, for the most part, uh, but first some house cleaning. I guess you can call it, we'll call it house cleaning. So in the last episode I, uh, I did a video podcast as well as an audio podcast. And, yeah, that's just not me, that's not for me, so I'm going to stick to audio from here on forth. Just because I'm more old school, I've been into podcasting since I came to know about them back in, I want to say, 2006, 2007. And, funny enough, the way I learned about them was through radio. So I had I mean, I still have Sirius. Well, now it's called Sirius XM, but back in the day, back in 2006, it was, there were two companies, two radio station companies called um Sirius and XM, and of course, obviously, sirius is the lone survivor and they merged and now it's known as Sirius XM radio anyways, uh, sirius XM. At the time it was Sirius, they, they had a channel, that was more. I guess it was their talk radio station, but it wasn't a specific talk genre, because you know you have your politics, your left-wing politics, your right-wing politics, your religious channel, your news. This was a more free form station I forget what it was called at the time and, um, and Adam Curry would be on that station and he would be introducing, uh, the world of podcasting and he would talk about you know what's his favorite podcast for the week, or something to that effect, or his top 10 podcasts to check out in this new format. At the time it was new, it was becoming popular and then, of course, itunes inherited or not inherited integrated the podcast directory from Adam Curry and you were able to subscribe to podcasts on iTunes and then download the episodes onto your iPod and listen to them that way, or on your computer. So, anyways, podcasts originally were audio and I like that audio format. It feels more intimate, you know, just talking in long form, getting in your ears and just getting to know the character or the person that you are going on an audio journey with. So, yeah, so I'm going to stick to just audio, it's just easier for me Also. Yeah, the video podcast took pretty much a whole day to edit that. I didn't have any time left for the audio, so I just stripped the audio from the video and used that as the audio podcast, and it sounded pretty bad. There was like some choppiness or some staticky to it that I wasn't a fan of, because I don't watch my podcast. I tend to listen to them on my phone, so when I was listening to it, just to hear it play back, I wasn't a fan of it. So, yeah, we're going to stick to audio from here on forth. A fan of it? So yeah, we're going to stick to audio from here on forth.


And for the YouTube portion or the YouTube version of the podcast, I'll just use an animated cover art for the episode. I'll still spend some time to create some thumbnail, you know, to attract people, I guess. But yeah, it's just going to be, uh, youtube. The YouTube version will be the afterthought. It's the audio original format that will be the mainstay of my podcast, and the animated cover art idea was actually inspired by this podcast called Smartless, with three actors um, uh, jason Bateman, uh, and I forget the other two, the names of the other two, but one of them was from Will and Grace, sean Hayes, I think, is his name, and then, oh, will Arnett. So Jason Bateman, will Arnett and the name. I just forgot something Hayes. The three of them do a podcast called Smart List where they interview you know a celebrity or whatever. So, yeah, they on on YouTube. They actually that's what they do. They have an animated smart cover, they have an animated cover art for their episode and it's just an audio episode pretty much, except for the little animation that you see. So that's what I'll be doing with








So, anyways, moving on, we're going to talk about wrestling and my renewed interest in it and you know my rekindled joy of it. So, basically, to give you some context, I haven't really watched wrestling since, and when we're talking wrestling, we're specifically talking about WWE. That's always been the company that, the brand of wrestling that I watch, I didn't, I'm not into. There's a new one called AEW, and WWE has also a minor league called NXT, and I think TNA is still around, but, yeah, I'm not into those. Wwe is the one that I've always watched mainly, and again, to this day, that'll be the one.


So, as I was saying, the last time I watched wrestling was what they call the Attitude Era, which was in the early 2000s again same period as when I got into podcasting and you had, um, you know, the rock and stone cold, steve austin and things like that. So that was the last time I watched wrestling. But, um, I wasn't to wrestling back when I was a kid in the 80s because, uh, wwe at the time it was known as the wwf um, they, but they of course had to change their name because, uh, world wildlife fund, I think, is the other name, the other organization that uses wwf as their initials a non-profit organization regarding preservation of endangered species or whatever uh, they, I think they had a lawsuit and eventually WWF decided to change their name to WWE, which is what they're known as now, which makes more sense World Wrestling Entertainment, because that's what it is, it's sports entertainment, but anyways. So, yeah, I would watch it in the 80s and you know, my favorite wrestler at the time was Hulk Hogan, and so you know I loved his theme music and he was my.


I was a fanboy, I was a Hulkamaniac and, yeah, I loved the ice cream that they made in those days and loved his matches against the Iron Sheik and Andre the Giant, some guy called Bundy I think his name was King Kong Bundy but he also had other guys. He had Coco Beware, which was a black wrestler who had a parrot For some reason. You had the Junkyard Dog, another black wrestler, who wore a big, heavy chain. Mr T was a wrestler at one point, or at least he guest starred, I think, in WrestleMania three and Hulk Hogan had to help him. You had um Brutus the barber beefcake. You had Roddy Piper. You had Jake the snake, the undertaker, I believe, was around this time.


Uh, you know, back when he was just the dead guy he was. You know, back when he was just the dead guy he was. You know, he would wear pale white makeup and the storyline was he was a living dead creation by um. Oh crap, I forgot the name of his mass, of his manager at the time, paul Paul, something he would always lift up and earn to bring him back to life, so to speak, whenever he, whenever he was knocked out from the fight, and then he would rise and wrestle again and at that time his wrestling move was a pile driver. But because they're going with this dead man theme, it was called the Tombstone and since then they've changed it.


Over the years. His wrestling move became this choke slam, which I think that's all it's called. It's called a choke slam, but back then it was the tombstone and I guess the reason why they don't, because I I noticed now that no one does and no one does pile drivers anymore, and I'm guessing it's because it there was a lot of neck injuries from it. So it's understandable that they don't do that move anymore. It's pretty much been banned, uh, due to, um, health reasons. You know the risks involved with trying to choreograph a pile driver and accidentally injuring someone. And the DDT they've, because I always take the snake's move. I noticed they've modified it so to make it, I guess, safer for people, because I noticed how the way they land, the way they try to land the DDT, nowadays they they use leverage with the ropes or they do like a flip so the guy doesn't land on his head or or his neck in a weird way and they basically flip over when it's when it's done, um, or they do it like a face. It's more of a face slam now, but anyway, I'm deviating.


So so, yeah, I was a big Hulk Hogan fan and then this wrestler showed up, called the Ultimate Warrior. And the Ultimate Warrior, who I thought was some roided up maniac with makeup on his face, he defeated Hulk Hogan and he crushed my childhood dreams and it made me start questioning if wrestling was real or not. You know, I mean, come on, I was like a seven, eight year old kid, so bear with me, I believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and wrestling was real. And seeing Hulk Hogan be defeated by this guy who I just didn't think it was possible, because Hulk Hogan was Hulk Hogan, he was, he was unbeatable. But here he was. I mean, he's the guy who defeated Andre the Giant. He body slammed him. So how could this upstart guy called the Ultimate Warrior, who can't even like he's just aroided up, not you know swinging the top ropes of the ring like a madman? So how can that maniac be the one that defeats him? But he did.


And after that happened, I stopped watching wrestling. I forget what was the last thing I saw exactly, but that was pretty much the end of my wrestling watching days, which was almost the early 90s. And then, of course, I get into college and I started watching it again. And this is when you had the Rock, you had Stone Cold, steve Austin, as I mentioned, triple H those three were the big draws and they were competing with WCW. Oh yeah, so there was.


I mean, wcw actually at one point was called NWA and I was aware of them because they would be on Channel 11. Was called NWA and I was aware of them because they would be on channel 11. So WWF I mean now it's WWE, but they would show their matches, would be on channel at the time in you know, in New York it was on channel five on Saturdays and Sunday on channel nine, which I guess now channel five here in New York is Fox, and Channel 9 is used to be UPN. I think it's called my 9 now. So those are the two places where that was. And NWA, which had wrestlers like Sting and the Road Warriors, hawk and Animal and Ric Flair and Lex Luger and the Four Horsemen. Those guys were in NWA, which eventually became WCW.


So at the time in the 2000s, wcw apparently was more popular than WWE and they have both since moved from local television and they started and they were now on cable because WCW, I guess, was owned by Turner Broadcasting, so it would be on TNT and TBS and WWE would be on. I think it was on USA Network and probably SyFy, the SyFy channel. Syfy was trying to, you know, not just be about SyFy anymore. They were trying to broaden their demographic, so to speak, anymore. They were trying to broaden their demographics, so to speak. So, anyways, hulk Hogan was now in WCW, but he was now a bad guy, part of a group called NWO, I think. And there was this guy named Goldberg which I think was a ripoff of the character Brock Lesnar from WWE.


So yeah, early 2000s there was a lot of these intriguing characters. Chris Jericho was in WCW, chris Benoit was in WCW, and then on WWE you had Edge and Christian, you had the Hardy Boys, you had the Dudley Boys, kurt Angle, so all these characters were really compelling and they had some amazing matches that they fought and um and yeah, it hooked me in and um, and then something, wcw's rating started going down and then they eventually they merged and it was around. So this was like, I guess, mid-2000s, so like five, five years in or four years in um. Now there's once again just one, one organization, because WCW merged with WWE. So all the NWO characters came over. So Hulk Hogan was once again back in WWE, but now he's a bad guy with a black beard instead of just his yellow mustache and wearing shades all the time and a bandana, because now his balding is more apparent now as he's older what else? So, yeah, that happened. Stories were still pretty interesting.


But then the Rock, who was my favorite character, along with Stone Cold, steve Austin, but I think I like the Rock more. He was just funnier to me. Stone Cold was fun, was okay, but the Rock was a little more comical. So I found him, he was more humorous and, yeah, I enjoyed him a lot more, for whatever reason. So, but now he was becoming a movie star. He left, he did Scorpion King, he did this other movie with I forget what it was called, but he was like a log cabin guy or something Like. He was a lumberjack, I think is what it was, or something to that effect. And he moved.


So he was moving away from from wrestling and doing movies and I felt like the product, or so to speak, was getting stale again. So once again, I stopped watching. And so now we're what, 20, 18 to 20 years later. So now we're what. 20, 18 to 20 years later, I got back into it since WrestleMania 40. And what made me get back into it. Well, this year, well, 2023. So last year because we're in 2024 now, but in 2023, I started getting back into sports, and so the sports show that got me back into sports was the Pat McAfee show, and his show, along with clips of first take from ESPN on YouTube, you know, started getting me back into the NFL. So I watched the last season of NFL, I got back into it and the Rock showed up a few months ago on the Pat McAfee show a few times and he was promoting this new storyline.


And apparently the storyline was he was coming back to the WWE. He was going to fight Cody Rhodes for the Universal Championship in WrestleMania 40. Sorry, no, he was going to fight Roman Reigns my bad, his cousin Roman Reigns and it was supposed to be a big draw. But apparently there was a lot of fan backlash because they wanted People felt like the Rock. I guess they felt like the Rock didn't deserve it because he hasn't been in wrestling for like eight years and all of a sudden he's just going gonna swoop in now that he's gotten. Um, he bought like a bunch of stocks in wwe and I think he has some part ownership of it or something to that effect, or like he's the ceo, something like that. He has a big executive position and so he has a lot of influence with the wwe now. And so they I guess fan base felt like, uh, who are, who are you? Like you're being entitled, and that Cody Rhodes has been, you know, fighting for years now to try to win that championship, so you have no right to be swooping in. And uh, the Rock, uh, you know, saw that feedback and he embraced it and he decided to go full heel and uh, so now he um, joined the bloodline, his cousin, you know, cousin, roman Reigns, and he's calling himself now the big boss because he, like I said, he has part ownership of WWE and therefore a lot of executive power. And so he's now the big boss and he's going to do everything in his power to thwart Cody Rhodes' attempts to winning the title, the Universal Championship, from Roman Reigns. And so this story, for whatever reason, sounded compelling to me.


And WrestleMania 40 came. I watched it. It was a two-day event, which was new to me because WrestleMania was always a one-day event, but apparently it's now been split into two days because I guess they have a lot of big matches that take up time and so they break it up so that way you have two two-hour shows or whatever. And so I watched it and I found all these other characters that I got into interested in, and then I started watching clips of their shows SmackDown and Raw on YouTube, and now that I have YouTube TV, I'm just watching those shows outright and yeah, so now I am once again a big fan of wrestling and that is my journey into it. So now that we're here into my new and now you know how I am once again a big fan of WWE wrestling I want to talk a little bit about the storylines and characters that I'm drawn to. So one of the things that's new about wrestling new to me and fascinating is how much more women wrestlers there are now compared to back in those days.


Back in the attitude era In the 80s, there was no women wrestling. I mean, there might have been one or two matches, but not really. The only women in wrestling at the time was elizabeth, who was macho man, randy savage's wife and cindy lopper, who was uh, the girlfriend or wife of uh, what's his name? Captain lou albano. That was his name and that was it. And then, and then the attitude era.


You had a couple of wrestlers. You had Chyna, which was this big, built, big what's the word that they use now for ripped she was a very big, ripped, strong woman, woman wrestler. You would this character, this wrestler now Jade Cargill would be like close to an equivalent to her. So you had her, you had Trish Stratus, you had Stacey Keebler, you had Lita, and I think that's it. There might be one or two others that I'm missing, but not that many. And so there would be a couple of female matches here and there. And Chyna, because she was so strong and big looking, she would actually wrestle guys on occasion. So, because you know, the women pool was so limited.


However, you know, fast forward to now and, um, they have their own titles. They have, you know, the wrestling, the women's uh, uh wrestling championship. There's, there's two uh women wrestling championships. There's the women tag team, of course well, I'm not, of course, uh, now there's a woman's tag team. That did not exist back in those days, not in the wwe anyway. I mean, there was a women's wrestling federation back in the 80s called glow, but that's another story. I never watched that at all, um, so, yeah, this is the first time I heard of a women's tag team championship, two women championship belts, um, women's, I think it's women women's championship and heavyweight women's championship, something to that effect. I don't remember the names, but, um, you had, uh, rhea Ripley she was a female champion, and uh, ayo Sky was the other one. Um, so so these two women wrestlers were were champions, um, and yeah, rhea Ripley, um, became my new favorite female wrestler and actually sometimes I find her matches a little more compelling than some of the guy wrestlers.


A lot of the women wrestlers actually, in general, tend to be a lot more exciting. There's a lot more acrobatics going on and a lot of more creative maneuvering, a lot of more submission holds that are being done. It seems to be more dynamic than a lot of the guy wrestlers. I mean, there are some of those in guy wrestlers too, but for the most part it's just a lot of power moves and grappling and things and um, and using weapons and slamming people through tables and things like that, whereas the women's wrestling is a little more dynamic in the ring and sometimes a little faster, um, so, yeah, those are fun. So, um, as I was saying, um, rhea ripley became one of my new favorites.


However, uh, recently she's been well for a couple months now. She's been injured. So I got to see her defend her title in wrestlemania 40 and did she defend In Backlash? She defended it against Becky and I feel like she defended it in Backlash. My memory is now evading me, but anyway, no, she only got to defend her title once, and then she got injured because of Becky Morgany morgan, who apparently sorry, not becky morgan, uh, live morgan. So so, um, so she, she beat becky morgan in wrestlemania sorry, becky, I'm getting these names mixed up. So rhea ripley defeated and defended her title by defeating becky in wrestlemania 40. Then, a couple, a month or a few weeks later, after wrestlemania 40, defended her title by defeating Becky in WrestleMania 40. Then, a month or a few weeks later, after WrestleMania 40, she gets injured by Liv Morgan, who's now back from injury doing her revenge tour, and part of her revenge tour was to get back at Rhea, because apparently Rhea is the one who injured her. So she injures Rhea Ripley to the point that she had to vacate her title because she doesn't, because, yeah, she's going to be gone for a while and she can't defend it, and so by the laws of WWE, she now has to give it up and consequently now Liv Morgan is now the new champion and Ayo Sky lost her title to this other wrestler, bayley. So now Bayley is also a women's champion. I don't remember the name of the title, sadly. I'll get better with this as I keep watching wrestling. So, yeah, so Rhea Ripley is one of my favorite characters At last. She's been gone for a few months. I can't wait for her to come back Now.


I did mention Jade Cargill. She's another wrestler that I find fascinating and she could probably beat Rhea Ripley on a one-to-one fight if both of them are healthy and in their prime. Because she's this really strong wrestler they call her the ultimate storm. Is she's the, she's the ultimate, she's the ultimate storm, or just, uh, a storm is coming. That, that, that is the her music, her intro. Her intro is a storm is coming and it's jade cargill.


And, yeah, her debut into the wwe um was uh going into. It was, I guess, last year's um royalumble, and she came in and immediately kicked uh was able to, um, what's the word? Uh, throw out Nia Jax, who was like this big, she's called the unstoppable force. She's this really big, uh, strong woman, uh, who's also the Rock's cousin and um, you know she's a power wrestler and uh and and um, you know she's a power wrestler and uh and and, you know, usually takes like multiple wrestlers to to try to do anything against her, but jade cargill was able, by herself, able to lift her over her, her shoulders and just throw her out, which goes to show, which just shows how strong she is, uh, but sadly now she's um, now becoming I'm not saying she, I wouldn't now, she's now becoming I'm not saying she, I wouldn't say she's becoming weaker, but the storylines are limiting her ability to use her full potential and one of the ways that they're doing that is that she's now a tag team champion with Bianca Belair, who's another pretty strong woman, woman, female wrestler, but also, on top of being, you know, strong and athletic, she's also able to do, like, a lot of fancy, like slips and things like that.


So she, she's very multi-faceted and um, I don't think she's as strong as jade cargill, but she's, she's close, she's up there and she can do power moves too, but she's also very, um, like I said, acrobatic as well. So now they're together as a tag team, as tag team champions, I should say. And so now they got to. Instead of trying to pursue individual titles and things, they are just defending their tag team championship. And I think part of it might be also because maybe Jade Cargill needs to work on on her wrestling abilities a little more.


She's a little rougher on the edges and I noticed that in um, the last uh premium ple they call them premium live events uh, in the last one was it backlash? No, it was king and queen of the rings, she. They defended their title and um, the choreograph, the choreography. Well, actually, when they fought damage control to win the championship, they should have beat them the way jade cargill has been winning her matches, if you go by if you go by that as a measuring stick her, her previous individual fights with other um wrestlers, including the people from damage control, like she would be. She would basically beat them like in a minute or two minute increments, like it was just that fast that she would slam them and beat them because she's just overpowers them so fast.


Forward to she's teaming up with Bianca Belair to defeat, to challenge the Tag team championships from damage control and now you have like a big 30 minute uh match because uh, damage control all of a sudden is able to nullify her power, her physical abilities and make it more challenging. But the choreography, the, wow, I can't pronounce that word today. Choreography just didn't, just didn't um. I was unable to suspend my belief for the uh, for that choreography. It just looked um, fabricated um, especially when she pretended to be in pain and stuff and then all of a sudden she could get up and do a move or whatever. It just didn't, it didn't uh, it wasn't believable to me. But regardless, now she's um, she's tag team champion with Bianca Belair, and so now she's becoming more human and I guess she'll be able to refine her skills and choreography in the ring you know when, when matching against others, and she'll be a little more believable. Bianca definitely is believable when she wrestles others and she definitely comes off more believable. Jade is a little um needs to work on that, otherwise she'll just be unstoppable and just be able to just slam people and just win under a minute. And I guess they're trying to um, you know, stop that anyways, um, what else did I?


Oh yeah, the bloodline, as I mentioned earlier, uh, with the Rock and Roman Reigns. So after WrestleMania 40, the Rock and Roman Reigns have exited stage right and they are nowhere to be seen. Uh, for those who are in the know, the Rock is working on a movie regarding a UFC fighter I think you know, a mixed martial artist, and so he's doing a movie, and I think maybe Roman Reigns is in it, because he's also out there filming. I didn't get the details about what he's filming, but I'm assuming it's the same thing. So they're both gone, you know, in Hollywood. And so Solo Sokoa, who was supposed to be like the enforcer of the bloodline, has since now taken it over and become the new head of the table, so to speak, and he's bullying the wise man Paul Heyman. He's bringing in newer other cousins into the mix to be his enforcers, to run the bloodline the way he sees fit, in a much more violent and for lack of a better word more criminal manner. And, of course, paul Heyman is worried for his life and for the life of the WWE. I mean, that's the story anyway. So I'm wondering how that's going to play out with, you know, when Roman's done filming and he comes back, like what is the end game with that? Is he going to just come back and retake the bloodline and then kick out Solo Sakoa for usurping his authority when he's not around.


I'm not sure and, once again, as I mentioned, the other one I'm confused that I'm questioning is nia jax, because she's, uh, the rock's cousin, as I mentioned. Why isn't she part of the bloodline? I wonder, um, and I thought maybe they were going to separate them because, uh, there was recently a draft where, uh, there's a gm for monday night raw and there's a GM for Monday Night Raw and there's a GM for Friday Night SmackDown, and they got to draft the wrestlers into their programs. So I thought, for some reason in my mind, I thought the Bloodline was part of Monday Night Raw and Nia Jax was in SmackDown, but they're both in SmackDown, but they're both in SmackDown. So that just makes me even more curious as to why she's not part of the bloodline, because it does seem like she just wants to be her own thing and be individual and not be a part of that, because maybe it'll overshadow her. Right now she is the Queen of the Ring because she won the Queen of the Ring tournament and she's challenging Bayley in an upcoming PLE I think it's this one coming up that I'm interested in the Clash of the Castle to get her championship belt.


The last thing I want to talk about real quick is so in the Attitude Era actually even from the 80s, but I didn't really pay attention to it too much there were factions. Back in the day, ted DiBiase, the Million Dollar man, had his own crew. I think that's the only one I can remember. And then in your Attitude era, you had, as I mentioned, especially when they merged you had NWO, you had D-Generation X I think Triple H was a part of that group the Brood, which was Edge Christian, and this third guy, and there might have been some other people. You had Latino Heat with Eddie Guerrero and some of his crew. So yeah, there were a few, but now it seems like there's a lot more, and here are the ones that I was able to pick up.


So you have Judgment Day, which is the group that Rhea Ripley is in. You have LWO, which is the group Rey Mysterio is in and a couple of other Latin wrestlers LWO stands for Latin something. You have the Bloodline, as I mentioned, which is basically anyone from the Rocks and Roman Reigns' family. You have Alpha Academy, which is by this guy, chad Gabler, who he trains these people in his academy, so to speak, but now he's really just using them to try to help him win the Intercontinental title. You have Damage Control, which was a group that Bailey created but has since been kicked out, and now she's a good guy and Damage Control are still the bad guys, especially because they kicked her out.


You have this other group that's interesting called Final Testament, and they remind me of the Demolition I think that was the name of a group. I know that was a tag team called Demolition, but I think they also had other people involved and they kind of remind me of them, but they're a bunch of bruisers and that's an interesting group that I just found out about. You have Imperium, which is Gunta, this Italian guy there was a third guy, but they've since kicked him out this Italian guy there was a third guy, but they've since kicked him out. But yeah, but I guess they represent the European side of wrestling, so to speak, because Gunter is from Austria, I think, and the other guy I mentioned is Italian. You have Legado del Fantasma, which is another Latin group, but those are bad guys and they don't get along with LWO. And yeah, those are the ones that I know. So a lot of factions with a lot of interesting storylines and it's just a lot of stuff to keep to get into.


And, as I mentioned, next weekend there's going to be this PLE Premium Live Event on Peacock called Clash of the Castle. Premium live event on Peacock called Clash of the Castle, where Cody Rhodes is going to defend his title. Roman, not Roman, reigns. Damian Priest of Judgment Day is going to defend his championship belt against the Scott. Oh my, why can't I? Drew McIntyre, I believe, is his name. You have Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill defending their titles, I think, against two teams. They're doing a three-way match. And did I mention Cody Oso? Yeah, Cody's going to defend this thing against AJ Styles again, I think, and what's his name? He's trying to get LA Knight. I think. He's trying to get a fight with Paul Logan for his US Championship belt. So, yeah, it's going to be a fun match and because of that I might not be able to do a podcast next week, but I'll try my best. And, yeah, I think I've rambled long enough.

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