Julio's Corner

TV Antennas and Podcast Apps

August 19, 2024 Episode 11

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Julio talks about tinkering with TV antennas and podcast apps. 

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This is Julio's Corner, my corner of the internet, where I talk about whatever is on my mind.

Usually, I'll talk about TV shows, movies, or whatever new content has taken my interest.

This episode is being recorded on Saturday, August 17th, 2024.

And this is not going to be my usual fair.

As you already noticed, there's no spoil alert in this episode, because there will be no content to spoil.

I have nothing new to report on my media content consumption.

It's just the same stuff, so I didn't want to really regurgitate any more on The New Orphan Black, the show, or football, or whatever else.

I think that's it at the moment, really.

I mean, yeah, for the most part, in terms of stuff that I've discussed already.

I can't think of anything worthwhile to talk about in terms of game shows that I'm watching, so no need to review that.

So let's just, we're going to go over some stuff that I've been doing.

First, let's talk some politics.

Not really, but a little bit.

As you already know, I am my my politics slant left.

I am a left wing sympathizer.

I say sympathizer instead of a instead of a left wing minded or whatever, because I am not too educated on it.

I'm not that well informed.

I try to be, but not astutely so.

I'm not I'm not an apt or diligent reviewer of the news and stuff because it's just too depressing.

So I mainly get my talking points from The Majority Report.

That's one of my favorite podcasts with Sam Cedar and Emma Viglen and the whole gang.

So if you want an understanding of what my body leans towards, then you definitely want to check out the Majority Report with Sam Cedar.

So, yeah, a couple of things have been happening over the course of the summer and whatnot.

And more recently, since since the time of the Olympics, Kamala Harris is it Kamala?

Not Kamala, it's Kamala.

Kamala Harris is, of course, the new presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.

And things are in the upswing.

There's a little sense of hope, very similar to when Barack Obama was the nominee, the nominee.

But but it's no, it's not a naïve sense of hope anymore because we know how that went.

When he got elected, he reversed on a lot of the stuff that he promised and was a lot more of a moderate than the progressive candidate that he projected.

You know, the image that he projected was not what he was.

He was definitely more moderate.

In fact, he even brags about being more of a Reagan Republican than a Democrat.

So that's that's something to chew on when you think about Barack Obama's presidency.

But anyway, so Kamala is is in that vein, a bit of a moderate politician.

She doesn't really, as of yet, we don't really know where she stands because she says a lot of things and then reverses stances a lot.

So one might say that she's a bit of an opportunist.

That being said, she there are some little nuggets in her record that indicates that she might be, if not somewhat progressive, at least she can be swayed towards more progressive stances.

And one such nugget that makes it seem plausible is the fact that her nominee against all of the establishment is Timothy Waltz, the governor of minnesota, who is a left-leaning moderate, I'll say.

He's not like Bernie Sanders' level of a progressive.

He's not a social, he's not a democratic socialist in the vein of Bernie Sanders or AOC.

But he does believe in a lot of progressive values.

In fact, he, and I already forgot the term that Sam Seder has said, or Emma Viglen, but basically he pushed a lot of progressive things in his state, in the state of minnesota.

He, you know, free lunches for kids, free meals in schools, which I guess was reduced in his state, but he pushed it back in.

So now, you know, kids can get free meals in public schools.

He's a pro-trans rights, pro-LGBT.

He's an ally for the LGBTQ community, so to speak.

And he believes women should have autonomy of their bodies, which of course is a huge thing in the event, you know, in the advent of Roe v.

Wade getting reversed by the Supreme Court, which was elected into place thanks to Trump's administration, which is what we're trying to avoid.

We're trying to avoid another Trump administration.

And he doesn't shy away from these policies either.

If people try to label him a communist or whatever, he'll push back and be like, if feeding empty bellies makes me a communist and making sure women get the medical care that they need to take care of themselves and their health, then call me a communist.

He'll say things like that.

I'm paraphrasing.

I'm not quoting him verbatim correctly, so I'll just say I'm paraphrasing, but that's pretty much what he said.

That's the gist of it.

So yeah, he won't back down on those values, which is great.

So those are definitely promising.

Those aspects of the administration are promising.

On the Republican side, you have Donald Trump self-destructing because he wanted to go head to head against Joe Biden.

And now that Joe Biden is no longer the nominee, he's upset because that was a slam dunk.

That was an easy layup for the Republican Party because the guy looks feeble.

He looks like he has dementia.

He did not look like a strong candidate to go up against.

And the polls are showing that because they were in Trump's favor when it was Joe Biden that was still the nominee for the Democratic Party.

And since he stepped down and Kamala Harris has taken over, the polls have been reversing in their favor.

So she's very upset because on top of not having an easy opponent or an easier opponent, he doesn't know how to attack her because she's a black female.

So you can only be so racist before it just looks ugly.

And obviously, at least at face value, we try not to be a racist country.

We want to project a modicum of fairness despite race relations and what have you.

We believe in equal justice to all, to all fellow men and women, which is of course a lie because we do have institutionalized racism in our country, but at least in the public facing, public facing, we want to appear more fair.

And so the Republicans actually had an in-house meeting saying that we cannot be overly racist.

I mean, that's how bad it is over there, that they actually had to have a meeting to state the obvious, that hello, we're in 2025, we're not in the 1960s.

We cannot be saying, you know, racist things.

We can't be calling her a Negro and you know, saying, calling her a welfare queen and we can't do any of those things.

So they're trying to change tact, but they're still calling her a DIY hire, although not as much anymore because DIY hire is the new code for welfare queen, meaning that she, she got into office, that she got, became the VP in the first place because she was black and so that makes it more, it was just for, for demographics, for numbers and stuff versus her competence, which is racist to say.

And so they can't really say it too overtly, but you know, you can't stop Trump.

He can't help himself.

So he can't hit her for the race.

He can't hit her on sex because, you know, it's sexist.

But of course he can't help himself.

On top of that, it seems he's a little bit attracted to her because he keeps saying weird things like, he, she reminds me of my wife, Melania, which okay, you know, they don't look anything alike.

You know, one is white and one is black, but maybe all women look the same to him.

Who knows?

And so, so yeah, he's getting angry.

Apparently behind the scenes, he's calling her a bitch and he doesn't have any, any, what's the word?

And he doesn't have anything substantive to talk about.

So he just keeps, you know, throwing out the, the greatest hits saying, you know, basically cut in pace.

So now instead of Joe Biden, if Kamala gets hired, the Great depression will come, things will crash like the Great depression.

This is what he said about Joe Biden when he was running up against Joe Biden the last time.

And of course, obviously, we did not have the Great depression.

We, if anything, the economy has stabilized for the most part, despite the inflation, the, the manufactured inflation by the Federal reserve and all that stuff.

Things have still stabilized.

Unemployment is at three points something now, instead of the six points something that the Republicans wanted.

And some economists claim was needed to help bring down inflation when, in fact, it was being manufactured in the first place by the Federal reserve.

But anyway, and that's the extent of my knowledge about that.

So don't expect me to elaborate on those little details.

You can, you can do your research on that.

I really didn't want to go this long on it, but I can't, I can't stop rambling.

So the other thing I want to bring up to the forefront of people who may not know, though I don't see how, and I'm sticking with domestic.

I'm not going to go into international politics because because yes, what's happening in Israel is horrible and we should stop funding their genocide.

But I really don't want to get into that too much because I don't know enough of it, nor do I want to say something too ignorant of it because I am ignorant.

Just basically, I'll just say that I'm against the killing of women and children in what should be quote unquote safety zones because they were labeled safety zones by the Israeli government.

And then when you have women and children going over there and then they get bombed, like that's an atrocity that shouldn't be happening, but it is.

And we have to stop sending them munitions and money to continue this genocide that's happening over there.

So yeah, I'm sticking with domestic politics.

And this is the last thing I want to talk about in terms of politics.

And that is Project 2025.

Now, Project 2025 is like a 900-page manifesto plan of execution that a section of the Republican Party wants to administer should Trump get elected.

And it's basically...

What's the word I'm trying to say?

It was dreamed up by Christian fundamentalists that want to make this into a Christian fundamentalist nation, which is scary because these are the ones, these are the people in the Birch Society, the Federalist Society, these people.

And I always forget the guy's name who helped fund this, who also helped fund JD Vance's career, Tim Hurch or some weird name like that.

I always forget his name.

But they, you know, they believe in controlling women's bodies.

So, you know, they say, you know, they're pro-lifers, quote unquote.

When it comes to a woman getting pregnant, even if it's by rape, they have to keep the baby alive until term.

And if, what's the word, a fetus or whatever is stuck in the fallopian tube, you cannot abort it or you just have to let it push itself through.

And if it doesn't push through and it causes both woman and child to die at the point of the rupture, well, it wasn't meant to be because it was in God's hands.

All the federal agencies like the IRS, Homeland Security, well, no, not Homeland Security, but more like the IRS, the FCC, the FTC, you know, all those agencies that help regulate parts of society and have autonomy.

They should not have autonomy.

They should actually be the arms of the presidential, of the presidency, of the executive branch.

Basically be his henchmen to do what the president wants and says, regardless of whether it's right or wrong, if it's ethical, if it's legal, it doesn't matter.

You are his henchmen, you are his gang, and you should do what he wants.

I'm paraphrasing.

I'm not giving you the exact terms or whatever.

But yeah, that is an agenda that's been put forward by a group of people, the people who run the organization that created this 900 page document called Project 2025.

At the moment, Trump is distancing himself and saying he never heard of it and whatnot, but it's not true because a lot of former people from his cabinet and advisors have helped head that project.

And so they are definitely intertwined.

And that's another reason why he shouldn't get elected because if he does, a lot of the, if not all, a good portion of those agendas will be executed.

And that would be horrible to the country at large, especially to minorities.

People, especially people of, well, women for sure, because they won't have control of their bodies.

And of course, the LGBTQ community and any other minority groups as time goes on.

So that's enough of my politic meandering.

I really, as I said, I'm not too knowledgeable about these things.

I get my talking points from the Majority Report.

So if you want to be more knowledgeable about those topics and have a better idea about them, check out the Majority Report.

Look at their links of articles and books and stuff that they recommend as well.

And the people they interview as well.

You might want to look those guys up as well.

Because those are the people that you want to follow to be more well-informed than myself.

Moving on to the funner side of the program, the meat and potatoes of the program, I should say.

Let's talk first off about TV antennas.

As I mentioned in the past, I am cutting off my subscription services as best as I can.

I'm going to be looking at more free options like Pluto TV, Tubi, Plex even.

They have a lot of stuff there.

And of course, over-the-air antenna stuff.

Because I have this device from Silicone Dust.

It's called the HD Home Run Flex 4K TV Tuner.

And basically, it can pick up 4K signals if there are any 4K signals.

At the moment, there aren't.

But that's something for the future.

It's future compatible, I should say.

But yeah, it can catch currently the whatever HD TV signals that the local networks give out, as well as all these other digital channels that are definitely out there as well, like MeTV, Cozy, Ion, of course PBS, Public Broadcasting, and other channels like the Spanish ones, Univision, Unimas, Telemundo, and so on.

So I have a lot of free content available to me.

And I was currently using, or I should say I still am because of my little experimentation.

I am, I'm using this generic antenna HDTV antenna that I got on Amazon for like 20 bucks.

I think it was, when I got it, it was maybe 19 or 15, but now it's at 19 to 20.

It averages out at that price point.

But I am also, I'm on Reddit and I follow Silicon Dust or they call it HDHomeRun, I think, subreddit and also Plex, the Plex subreddit as well.

And someone was having an issue with my TV tuner getting signals from their house or whatever and they broke down their setup.

And they had some questions.

And some guy that claimed to be a professional antenna installer or whatever, he recommended this Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro Antenna, which is a very expensive antenna.

It's like 70 bucks or something, like 60 to 70 bucks.

And I am familiar with Mohu Leaf.

They've been around since, I want to say 2007 at least, cause I did buy one of their first, their early flat antennas back in that time period.

When I was experimenting with over the air TV at the time with my TiVo of that time period, which doesn't exist anymore.

And it's been a good antenna, but I've always found it to be overpriced, especially cause like I said, I was currently using a $20 antenna and I got pretty good signals.

But this guy claimed that this was definitely the best one because he's a professional and it definitely would work in the city.

So I decided, well, what could, what the hell, let me give it a try and I bought it and I tried it and it was actually not, because the thing is with my current antenna, you know, I get good signals for majority of the channels, right?

But then there are times and of course, you know, if there's bad weather, I should expect some bad resolution because, you know, it's over the air, right?

You're getting your signals from the airwaves, so to speak.

So, you know, bad weather will obviously get in the way of that, you know, if it's very cloudy or if it's raining and stuff, the signals will get weakened and distorted and be affected.

So you should expect bad TV resolution on bad weather days.

But on clear blue sky days, you should expect good signals.

And, like I said, most channels, I do get good signals.

But there is one, there is a few channels.

One particular that I happen to watch a lot is Channel 7, which is ABC.

And there will be times when Channel 7 will, out of nowhere, it'll just get a couple of pixelations.

And so then you'll miss a key moment in, you know, whatever's playing out on that channel.

So, like, I'm watching a show, like a game show, let's say, and everything looks clear.

And then all of a sudden, let's say, the contestant is about to answer a question, for instance.

And they're about, and they, as they're saying it, all of a sudden, it gets pixelated.

And then I have to wait for the clear up.

And then, oh, it passed.

And then I know what the result was, but I didn't get to see the interplay because it got pixelated.

So I was hoping that this antenna would resolve that because it's supposed to be better and it's supposed to have a stronger signal and it has this built-in amplifier and what have you.

So I tried it out, and not only did it not give me a better signal, let's say for channel 7 ABC, but also it removed some channels from the lineup.

So like channel 9-1 was missing.

Actually, I think channel 7 was missing too.

I had to do multiple scans to get channel 7 back, but once I got it back, it not only wasn't better, it was more degraded, more pixelation and more consistent pixelation, which is not what I want.

Then on top of that, channel 9 was still missing and channel 13 disappeared as well, or some other channels.

So after spending an hour and a half playing around with this thing and then having to go set back the other antenna and then having to once again reset the channel scans for both the tuner as well as my PlexPass, because that got affected, and so that affected my recordings and what have you.

I finally got everything back to the way it was.

So I'll just have to be satisfied with my current results, which is, for the most part, everything is great.

But occasionally there may be some pixelation on some programming, and it's not consistent, but it happens.

And I just have to, that's what it is.

That's what you get when you have, when you're getting a signal from the over-the-air wireless.

And it's funny, because pre-TV streaming, pre-cable, back when all I had was pre-digital TV, back when it was just analog television, when you didn't need a digital tuner to get your TV signals.

You just had your standard dumb TV with those rabbit ears, and you had to move them around to get better resolution.

420p resolution, that was the resolution back then.

Not 1080, not 720, we're talking 420.

This is like standard digital, that's what they call it.

That was before high-definition.

And now we have high-definition, though still, like I mentioned, like Channel 7, for instance, still admits only 720p resolution, not even 1080.

Some other channels do give 1080i, which is interlaced, not progressive, which is what the P stands for in 1080p.

And no one at the moment sends out 4K resolution.

You can only get 4K from cable or from YouTube TV or from Netflix or Apple TV, you know, from streaming services.

The streaming services are the only ones that currently have 4K, 420, not what am I saying?


They're the only ones that currently have 4K.


4K quality.

I was combining quality with K.

So they're the only ones that have 4K quality programming at the moment.

The normal, your over the air television, or even if you get those channels from, let's say you have YouTube TV, which I did, channel 7, channel, you know, ABC, NBC, Fox, they still gave out only 720 or 1080p or 1080i resolution, because that's what they have built in their stations.

So that's the only resolution that they currently give out, for the most part.

And that's my local channel.

So it might be different in some of those stations in other, like maybe California, the local ABC channel in California might have a better thing.

I don't know.

I can't speak for that.

I can only speak for what my own personal experience has been, and what those stations are currently built for.

But anyways, so yeah, I'm back to the generic, and that Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro Antenna was a flop for my experience.

But speaking about that Plex, I'm loving the Plex experience.

It's actually even better than TiVo because number one, I can watch it remotely, which is another thing that I was trying to figure out.

I was trying to figure out how to watch my stuff remotely, and with PlexPass and my network set up the way it is, I have access to it with the apps on my phone, on my iPad, wherever I am.

So as long as I have an Internet connection, and I keep my computer on, I'll have access to over-the-ear television from my house, which is great.

On top of that, I can also record, have a built-in DVR feature.

And the coolest thing is that they have this little, they have a feature called skip ads.

So you can set it up to detect the ads once it records the show or whatever.

It will then go through it as it's transcoding it to the proper video file format or whatever for the Plex application.

And then it will detect all the commercials in between the segments and then mark it as such.

So that while you're watching the recording, as the commercial is about to begin, you'll see a button that says skip ads, and then you press it and you'll skip the ad.

Now, they have another option that's more of a beta feature where it will just delete the ads for you.

And I'm not trying that out because based on this other feature that I'm currently doing, which isn't 100% perfect, it doesn't always skip all the ads, or sometimes it will skip the ads and it will go past the ad and get into the program, and you'll still have to rewind a couple of seconds backwards.

So you don't miss anything because of that.

What's the word I'm looking for?

Because of that little inaccuracy alone, I definitely don't want to risk deleting the ads because it might, because if it deletes the ads, then I'm going to, if it does the same thing, then I will just have missed that whole portion of the programming altogether.

Whereas the way I have it set up, I can skip the ads, so it'll push forward faster.

And then if I notice I'm missing something, I can just rewind and nothing's lost, nothing lost and nothing gained, you know?

So yeah, if you're a bit of a tinkerer, you like the idea of watching TV over the air and trying out Plex, I recommend give it a shot.

Definitely get the HDHomeRun 4K, HomeRun Flex 4K tuner or any one of their tuners.

They're made by Silicone Dust.

They're a good company.

I recommend their products.

And Plex is a great service that even with just, if you don't want to use it for the TV tuner DVR aspect, they have a lot of free programming there as well.

So it's just a good option to, it's a good service to use all the anyway.

I originally got Plex back in when, I don't even remember how long ago I got it, just for the ability to watch my own content, because the whole purpose of the Plex server was that it could organize your media library and allow you to have access to all your digital content in one location, and you could watch it remotely or anywhere in your house through their application.

So that was their original function.

But they have since expanded that ability.

Now they have free programming themselves with ads, of course.

But then there's also this option here where you can set it up to be your own TV DVR.

And if you get the, well, you need to get the Plex Pass, but if you get the Lifetime Pass, which I did back in the day when it was only $79, it's a Lifetime Pass, so you can have it till perpetuity, until you, until you die.

That's what a Lifetime Pass is.

I'm a sucker for Lifetime passes.

I have that on my XM, well, my SiriusXM subscription as well as Lifetime.

So, and of course, my, my TiVo that I'm giving to my mom to use is Lifetime as well.

So if there's a Lifetime Pass out there, for the most part, if I use the service, I will get it because then I never have to worry.

It's basically set it and forget it, and I'm good to go.

So anyway, moving on, my podcast journey.

So I've been a fan of podcasts since 2007.

I used to do a podcast before this one.

I've had many iterations of it and, you know, they would come, they would die and so on.

But still in, in all that time, I've still listened to podcasts.

In fact, I listen to podcasts more than I do music, which is why I don't really keep up with all the latest trends in music as much as I did back in my early 20s.

And that's because podcasts came into my life in 2007 or so, which is when I got to my Sirius Radio.

And it was through Sirius Radio that I found out about podcasting.

And, but anyways, I'm going off tangent here.

So my original, well, let's go, let's stick with the present for now.

So I've been using Overcast.

It's been one of my favorite podcast applications available on the Apple, on the iOS app store.

But recently the developer Marco, he decided to rebuild it from the ground up.

Now, because of that, a lot of the features that the old version had were gone, which doesn't, that didn't really bother me so much.

I never listened to podcast streaming.

I always downloaded the episode and then listened to it that way because that's the whole point of, well, that's what podcasting has always been for me back since, I mean, that's how I was set up in 07.

You had to download it and then listen to it.

And streaming podcast wasn't really a thing until maybe, I don't know, well, much later in life, I think, well, Stitcher Radio was one of the, so that was maybe 09, 08, Stitcher Radio came into existence.

So they were like the first app that introduced streaming podcast, which I played around with a bit, but I still stuck with my main way of listening to podcasts, which at the time was just itunes.

So I would subscribe to podcast, wait, what am I doing?

I'm going backwards again.

So let me, anyway, back to the future, back to the present.

So Overcast has overhauled their application and got rid of some features and they're slowly putting some back in.

And it's been really buggy and it hasn't been as good an experience lately as it was, as it has been for the many years that I've been using it.

So that made me decide to, you know, it's time to jump ship, which is what I do when the podcast app that I'm using is no longer as good as it was.

It's giving me more work than needed, or it's just not, you know, it's just, it's irking me in some way.

And the Overcast app was doing that.

So I decided, well, let me give PocketCast a chance again, because that was, before Overcast, I was using PocketCast, because back when I switched to an Android phone, back to, it was the HTC M7, which I don't even think they make Android phones anymore, but HTC was the big Android maker at the time, and their M7 phone was a cool looking phone, so I got it.

And I was looking for a podcast app on Android.

The one I found was PocketCast.

So when I switched back to an iPhone, I downloaded the PocketCast app there, and that was my podcast app of choice, until NPR bought them.

And then NPR bought them, and changed up the whole look and feel of it, and it made it hard for me to navigate.

I mean, I could probably figure it out if I wanted to, but I didn't want to.

I didn't want to have to relearn the app, because it was basically set up to look at all of NPR's programming or whatever.

It was weird.

So that's where I found Overcast.

And then that became my app of choice until now, 2024.

So I guess I've been using it for maybe 10 to 8 to 10 years.

And so I figured, well, let me try PocketCast again.

And PocketCast did adopt some features that were a boon from Overcast.

One of them was, it's called like Voice Boost, where it makes it louder.

Even though you have it at the same volume, it somehow makes it louder, so you hear the people talking a little better.

It was some weird...

Anyway, it was a cool feature that Overcast, that Marco created in his Overcast app, and they still are the best at it.

PocketCast was okay at it.

It made it louder.

It wasn't as great as Overcast, but it was good enough.

And yeah, it was fine.

But there's this new thing that I love from Apple Podcast, and I was hoping that Overcast would eventually get, but now that I'm jumping ship, and that's transcripts.

I love having transcripts on the app because I'm now putting transcripts on my shows as well, which I just get from Apple Podcasts.

But it's cool because you can look at that to follow the show for my purposes, especially if the show doesn't have chapter markers, because I like to put chapter markers on my show.

So that way, if you don't want to listen to me talk about TV antennas and just listen to podcast talk, you can just click on that chapter, so to speak, as an example.

In the case of shows that don't have chapters, you have the transcript, so you can look at it and see, okay, I'm going to skip over this chunk of it and just fast forward to that one by clicking on that part of the transcript, and it will get you over there to that portion of the show.

So the Apple Podcasts app has that feature.

And they added it, which is awesome.

So I just decided to go back to Apple Podcasts because as I was in my off tangent earlier, my original podcast player was itunes.

And it was great, right?

I had itunes set up on my computer.

I would subscribe to my podcast.

I would then download them on my iPod or my SanDisk player or whatever, or whatever my phone was at the time.

That's how podcasts used to be.

You would download them on a computer through a podcast player.

My podcast player of choice was itunes because Apple set up itunes, set up podcasts on itunes in 07 when I got into them.

And that was my original way of doing it until they decided to break up itunes into different parts like the podcast app, the music app, the book app, and the TV app.

So they broke it all up into all those different parts.

So the Apple Podcast app looks, I mean, they changed it up.

And that was one of the other reasons why I wasn't a fan of it at first, because the look of it is a little, I mean, it's kind of jinky the way you navigate it.

It's not as simple as Overcast was and PocketCast now is, but I'm just living with it.

I'm learning, I figured out how to navigate it to my satisfaction because of the feature that I love about it is the transcript feature.

On top of that, what I also love about it is the fact that it syncs the app across all your devices, free of charge, which is not the case with PocketCast.

With PocketCast, if you want to be able to stream across, synchronize across different apps on your devices, you got to get an annual subscription.

I think it starts at $50 a year, which is at face value, it's not that expensive.

But for me, it's out of my price range, so it's not something I can afford, at least not at the moment.

And Overcast, I mean, it was $20 a year, or $10 a year, I don't remember right now.

I was gonna continue with it, but this new situation is making me give it up, so I'm not gonna be using that anymore.

And Apple Podcast is free, and I have Apple products.

I have an iPod, well, not an iPod.

I have an iPad, I have my old iPad Pro, my phone, my Apple TV, my Mac, all those devices.

I can synchronize my podcasts through all of them, so I won't miss my point if I'm playing it on my phone, and then I want to watch it on my TV or any of the other things I can.

And that's a cool feature on top of the transcript.

So that's been my podcast journey.

It's a shame that Overcast didn't, what's the word?

They didn't run through all these, you know, they didn't know what's the, wow, I can't talk, man.

It's a shame that they put out such a buggy program on their initial launch of the new version of it versus, you know, working out all the bugs first and then putting it out because there's been a huge migration to PocketCast and the Apple Podcast app and whatever other podcast apps are out there now because a lot of people are not happy with the new result of Overcast.

And it's very evident on the subreddit of Overcast on Reddit, which is a shame.

I'm definitely not going to voice my opinion on it on there because it's not necessary.

I'll just I mean, I'm doing it here on my podcast.

But more importantly, I just I mean, just switch to another program.

It's not a big deal, at least not for me.

It's I'm not I'm not one of those people that if I'm dissatisfied with something, I have to make a skating.

I have to make my skating opinions known online.

And I can I can just move on with my life, move on to another thing.

I mean, there are exceptions where I might write my dissenting viewpoints on something on YouTube or or Reddit or whatever.

But or on or Amazon reviews or whatever.

But generally, I don't it's just it's too much work.

Why am I going to waste my time doing that when I can just, you know, ask for a refund?

You know, that's Amazon.

Or in the case of Overcast, I just switched to another app and that's it.

No need to voice all that other stuff.

I just move on and continue with my life.

So anyways, that's all I have for this episode.

I hope I didn't bore you too much with non-media related subjects, but that's what I have for today.

So yeah, I'll cue in the outro.

And that wraps up the show.

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And as always, thanks for listening.

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